My media journey
after covid struck and work became remote, i was tasked with creating an advert of a city. It had to be engaging and encoURAge tourists to vist as soon as the lockdown ended, using any footage you can find. Little did i know, I would fall in love with video making and digital creation, starting a passion that would continue for years to come.
so, when the opportunity came around to arrange the 2020 leavers video for my middle school, I jumped at the opportunity. with everyone being constrained to their houses, it made filming and editing all the more difficult, but not impossible. With the help of the parents, we got every student in the year to create a thank you poster for the school and it’s teachers, sending in a photo of the student holding it. After many late nights, i edited these together, creating a montage for students and teachers to enjoy alike.
After lockdown had ended, i finally had the ability to film with my friends, something we as a group took advantage of as soon as possible, creating our own short film. This became something of a tradition, with the group filming a new movie each year, ending the trilogy in 2023 when i moved to the uae.
Although it started as a joke…
we put more and more time into it…
and our passion grew…
And eventually, we all fell in love with film and media, all of us pursuing these subjects in GCSE and 6th form, as well as outside of school. This came in the form of graphic design, photography and adverts.
After moving across the globe to Dubai, I began studying creative media further, advancing from a GCSE BTEC to a full Level 3 diploma, dedicating a minimum of 10 hours a week to the subject. this is where everything changed.
For the first time, i had access to real cameras, advanced editing softwares and basic filming equipment like lights and gimbals, giving me the tools to take my work to that next level. But before i could know how to use them, i had to learn when and why to use them. I experimented with things like:
I learnt how lighting plays a crucial role in shaping a scene, with the foreground, subject, and background each lit in their own way to create an eye-catching shot. I also explored three point lighting, using key, fill, and backlights to add depth to each shot, along with color theory, which helps to enhance a specific mood through the use of hues and contrast.
camera control
I quickly learned that mastering ISO, shutter speed, and aperture was essential to understanding cameras, so I made it my goal to learn each element inside and out. Through extensive testing and experimentation, I grew more confident behind the camera, and by the end of my first year on the course, I was comfortable enough to take on many more personal and freelance projects in my spare time.
Another essential skill I developed was composition, a key factor in creating visually compelling shots for both photography and videography. By mastering principles like the rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetry, and framing, I learned how to guide the viewer’s eye and add depth to each shot. Applying these techniques has allowed me to craft more dynamic and engaging visuals, bringing every scene to life.
As of 2025, i am now going back to the roots that brought me here, and creating a fully fledged short film. As my final project on the btec level 3 diploma course, i am putting blood, sweat and tears into this, making sure it’s my best piece of work yet.